Looking for a Speaker?

Looking for a speaker for your group, podcast, membership/club, or organization?

If you're looking to raise introvert awareness (for both introverts AND extroverts!) or empower the quiet souls in your group, then I'm here to help you out!


My people... 

The people in my community and those that feel fired up from hearing my empowering perspective on introversion, confidence, and self-leadership are folks who are open to new ways of thinking.

They're also people who are ready to engage in different conversations that change outdated behaviors.

My people are those that don't believe introverts need to be more outgoing or have to step up to accommodate the extrovert-biased society. They believe the world needs to be more inclusive to the quiet souls that bring in deeper thinking, creativity, and detail-oriented observations.

The world needs both extroverts AND introverts, and my people recognize it's time for a {quiet} revolution!

If you feel like my people and your people are a good match, keep reading to explore what I can bring to your group to fire them up!


What I love to speak about

What can I share with your group, organization, podcast, YouTube show, etc.? Here are a few ideas...




Due to multi-generational conditioning, the schools, organizations, companies, etc. are designed for how extroverts best engage with others and recharge. Unfortunately, this is not inclusive for introverts (which make up at least 50% of the population!).

I speak on behalf of these issues and educate your group or organization on this extrovert-biased conditioning and what it means to be introvert inclusive.

Collectively there’s a vast misunderstanding of what it means to be introverted which leads to many misconceptions.

Due to these misunderstandings, many introverts feel they’re at a disadvantage or believe they need to fix or overcome their introverted nature.

I love to provide talks, workshops, etc. that teach the basics of introversion and help people see their gifts and strengths so they feel empowered to show up for their life differently.

Self-confidence is key for creating a life that aligns with who you are and feeling empowered to stand up for yourself and your needs.

I love to inspire others to grow their confidence so they can be their best guide without needing to rely on others to help them decide which paths or choices to make.

Have another idea on what you’d like me to speak about with your group or organization? We can work together to come up with exactly what your group needs (specific topics and format, i.e., a talk, education, workshop, etc.)!

See Vicky in Action

If you’d like to view a presentation that Vicky provided to a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group, check out the recording below!

Let’s Chat

If you'd like to explore me speaking on your podcast, summit, workshop, group, etc. then please submit this short form so we can get started!