7 Introvert Characteristics to Celebrate

Introversion gets a bad rap.

Society has a deep misunderstanding of what it means to be introverted, which means there's a TON of misguided social conditioning that reinforces this lack of understanding.

So, if you're an introvert, it can feel challenging to see it as something that's actually a good thing! In fact, many introverts see it as a disadvantage and something they need to overcome (which is SO not true!).

Some of the world's greatest works of architecture, art, the written word, etc., showcase the gifts of the introverted nature, which makes up 30-50% of the population.

Being an introvert is a gift, and it's high time we take a moment to honor and celebrate what makes introverts amazing!

7 Introvert Characteristics to Celebrate


Introverts love to get lost in their thoughts. Their happy place is within their head, where they can often be found daydreaming. As a result, introverts typically have an abundance of ideas to share (if they feel like it!).


Because of that rich inner world and abundance of ideas, introverts tend to have an active and creative imagination. For many, that creativity gets channeled into art, writing, etc., making for joyful hobbies or purpose-driven careers.


Introverts enjoy spending time alone, which is how they recharge. Because of this tendency and their rich inner world, they typically enjoy their own company! They don't need to be entertained by others, which is part of why introverts don't mind having plans canceled because they have numerous other things they're happy to do instead! This is definitely true for me! I'm rarely bored or lonely (and I live alone!).


Because introverts seek more meaningful relationships with people, they excel at making deep connections. This is why introverts are perfectly happy with a small group of close friends versus a large circle of superficial friends. Deep connections allow for more meaningful conversations, which introverts find much more entertaining and fulfilling.


Since introverts tend to listen more than talk and enjoy going into deeper conversations, they tend to be excellent listeners. In addition, they allow others to feel seen and heard, which is rare in this world, so this is a gift! Just be sure to establish boundaries around this, so a good thing doesn't turn into a bad thing (ask me how I know! 😉)!


In addition to being good listeners, the other benefit of not talking all the time is that it provides introverts the ability to observe and notice details that others miss. This excellent skill enhances conversations with people, contributes ideas and feedback in group settings, and provides a more intelligent view of situations.


Most introverts are curious and love learning because it fuels their rich inner world. By following that curiosity, they continually feed their desire to learn, which gives them opportunities to never stop growing.
These seven characteristics are just scratching the surface of what needs to be celebrated with introverts!

The world needs both extroverts AND introverts! By celebrating what makes you, YOU, and honoring these amazing characteristics, you release a lot of pressure on yourself to fit in or conform to an ideal that doesn't work! Instead, you get to relax and lean into what brings you fulfillment, purpose, and joy.

So...what are your gifts? Which of these seven characteristics do you resonate with the most? What else can you think of that ties to these traits?

Seeing your innate skills through the lens of appreciation changes how you view yourself and the world around you. So, this is an invitation to lean into these traits and be your best self!


Why My Mission is to Empower Introverts to Quietly Thrive, Unapologetically


7 Tips to Make Friends as an Introvert