8 Daily Self-Care Practices to Embrace Your Introverted Nature

Self-care is essential for everyone. But for introverts, self-care is KEY because the world is designed to support extroverts, not introverts.

While extroverts are recharged by being social and around others, introverts are drained by too much socializing. To recharge and feel refreshed, introverts need to spend time alone.

It's easy for introverts to find themselves overwhelmed because of the fast-paced nature of society, the constant push to be surrounded by others, and the ever-increasing noise that surrounds us each day

Self-care practices are the key to combating this overwhelm and constant external stimulation. Moreover, self-care is the path to returning home to yourself. Without it, many introverts find themselves overextended and burnt out.

Why Self-Care is So Important for Introverts…

Because introverts are internally focused, prioritizing self-care allows us to deepen our connection with ourselves. This is very important to help calm the overactive mind and to hear our own inner guidance.

This connection with self not only fuels our acceptance of our introverted qualities but also boosts confidence and aids in establishing much-needed boundaries. When our inner wisdom guides us, we honor ourselves and thrive.

Self-care for introverts is all about recharging. Everyone needs to recharge their inner batteries; for introverts, this means prioritizing our need to be alone. 

Spending time recharging means we get to indulge in our favorite hobbies and activities. Solo time helps us to slow down and enjoy being ourselves and living the life we've created for ourselves. Carving out time to spend with ourselves also helps us find the answers we're seeking.

But, the most important reason for establishing a self-care practice that aligns with our introverted needs is that this alone time allows us to calm and reset our nervous system. 

Self-Care vs. Selfishness

Before exploring options for daily self-care practices, let's first address the giant elephant in the room: The belief that it's selfish to take time for yourself and do things simply for your own enjoyment or well-being.

For many women, taking time for themselves is a challenge. Women have been conditioned for generations to be selfless, and their level of selflessness becomes a badge of worthiness for many women.

But sacrificing yourself 100% of the time isn't healthy or sustainable. It's not selfish to take care of your need, so you're giving from a full cup (the cliche of putting your own mask on first is there for a reason!)

The boundary between selfishness and self-care isn't the same for everyone; it's more of a dance. Some days your need for self-care will be greater, and other days your need to care for others will prevail.

But listening to your body will help guide you on when to retreat and take care of yourself. So when that need arises, it's not selfish to follow your inner guidance (just like it's not selfish to sleep when you've been awake for too long).

So, now that we've clarified that self-care is NOT selfish, let's explore options for increasing your well-being by practicing some introvert-friendly activities every day.

8 Daily Self-Care Practices to embrace your Introverted Nature

Many things make for good self-care on a regular basis, like getting enough sleep, eating nourishing foods, moving your body in a way that feels good to you, drinking your water, and engaging in activities that fuel your curiosity and purpose. I consider these fundamental, foundational self-care practices.

Having this solid foundation in place is what allows you to feel your best. By honoring your basic human needs, you are showing yourself that you love yourself (just like you take care of your kids or family members to show them your love for them).

But, there are some additional daily practices, habits, and activities that you can do to honor your introvert needs. Sprinkling these into your day will help you accept, embrace, and respect your needs as an introvert (which boosts your self-love even more!).


Constantly being surrounded by other people (work, family, etc.) will quickly drain you. If that's you, you'll benefit from having a few places to escape to find quiet and inner peace (even if just for a few minutes!). This could be a bathroom or a quick drive (i.e., "running an errand") to step away and be with yourself.


Meditation helps to calm the overthinking mind, which is common for introverts since we're internally focused. It also helps shift the focus from the limiting mind and connect more deeply with our intuitive guidance. You don't need to meditate for long stretches to feel the benefits! I aim for 5-10 minutes each day or whenever I feel overwhelmed with my thoughts.


Since introverts recharge by spending time alone, many have artistic hobbies that allow them to get lost in the flow of creative passions. The more you allow yourself to escape to the creative flow, the more expansive your thinking will be in other areas of your life.


Many introverts feel a deep connection with nature, so finding space in your day to walk outside gives you room to clear your mind and reconnect with yourself while enjoying some much-needed fresh air. It may also serve as a beautiful walking meditation and seeking out peace and quiet, so multi-tasking at its finest! 😉


Pouring your thoughts, ideas, dreams, concerns, etc., into the pages of your journal provides numerous benefits. One, it helps to clear your mind; two, it gives you time alone to be with yourself; three, it connects you with your intuitive guidance; and finally, it allows you to daydream, which is super important for the rich active inner world of introverts.


Sleep is super restorative for introverts. If you don't have time for a long nap, even a short power nap (less than 30 minutes) can work wonders to reset and reconnect with yourself. Whenever I feel like my brain is in a frenzy, taking a 20-minute power nap works like magic to clear out the cobwebs and calm my energy.


It's no secret that most introverts love to read, so carry your Kindle or a book to sneak in some restorative time in the pages of your latest book. When I worked corporate, I'd jump in my car during lunch and head to the park down the street where I could spend a half hour lost in the pages of my book. That never failed to completely change my attitude and energy for the rest of the day!


There's no harm in enjoying a decadent piece of chocolate or a yummy chocolate chip cookie from time to time. There's a difference between eating a bag of chocolate and enjoying a small portion as a blissful moment with yourself to celebrate being you! This simple act gives you a chance to pause and enjoy the present moment, which just may be the ticket to reset your energy.
Prioritizing self-care is NOT selfish; it's imperative for introverts and their overall health.

To honor yourself, your health, and your needs, take a look at the list of ideas above and jot down a few that appeal to you the most. Then brainstorm ideas that light you up, make you feel refreshed, and bring you joy. Finally, add those to the list.

Once you have your list, it's time to integrate these into your daily life! Give yourself permission to prioritize yourself and sprinkle these into your life on a regular, routine basis.


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