Understanding The Introvert Way

I'm a hardcore, but PROUD, introvert! It's my favorite thing about myself, and I wouldn't change being introverted for all the money in the world. My success in life is because I'm introverted, not despite it. 

But to get to the place, I had to challenge the false beliefs that society taught me about what it means to be introverted.

Once I understood that being introverted is not something I need to fix, hide, overcome, or change, I discovered my own unique gifts and embody what makes me stand apart from everyone else.

This didn't happen overnight! I spent years in this transition of discovery, shedding, and rebirth.

In fact, this transformation and coming home to myself was so impactful that it inspired a midlife career change to follow my passion and help other introverts on a similar journey (click here if you want to read more of my story and my mission)!

By answering the calling to focus my coaching on women who don't understand their introverted gifts and feel exhausted by this decades-long game of ignoring their nature to fit a one-sided ideal, I found my purpose!

And as I reflected on my journey and working with fellow introverts, I noticed a pattern where this process takes people from uninformed to intentional, exhausted to thriving. In other words, it helps them to transition from shadow to light.

I call this process The Introvert Way.

The Introvert Way Framework

For me, the Introvert Way is finding peace within yourself to honor your desires, preferences, skills, and needs to do things your way

Not exactly rocket science, right? But surprisingly, it's not all that easy when, throughout your life, you've learned directly (and indirectly!) that your way of being is not acceptable or good enough.

When I envision the process of learning how to do things your way - The Introvert Way - I see three different "people" that represent the three phases of awareness and growth.


The Informed Introvert is the person that has taken the opportunity to learn what it means to be introverted from a place of non-judgment and curiosity. They start by not realizing there are differences in the inner wirings of people, and not everyone enjoys being social, outgoing, or the life of the party. So, when they're at the beginning of this stage, they're uninformed about the true nature of introversion.

And they've been uninformed their entire lives. Therefore, they typically grew up seeing themselves as weird or believing there's something wrong with them, so they've spent a lifetime hiding their nature and pretending to be someone they're not to fit in with others.

But at some point, the uninformed introvert begins to get curious (or fed up!), opening the door to a new perspective. Once you go down the rabbit hole and learn more about who you are, you discover you're not alone and better understand why you are the way you are.

For some, they openly embrace it and naturally shift things to honor their nature, protect their energy, and thrive.

But, others still struggle to see what they can do differently, and they continue to believe they're at a disadvantage for being the way they are.


The Confident Introvert is the person who understands who they are and what it means to be introverted and feels confident in themselves. They know they don't need to pretend to be more extroverted, and they honor their energy by establishing guardrails to recharge as needed. They speak up on behalf of their needs and have no problem being the quieter in a group or doing things solo. They enjoy their own company and actively seek opportunities to lean into their innate skills.

Those starting in this phase may be coming in as a newly Informed Introvert who now understands who they are but still struggles to see the advantages. But when they experience their unique gifts, their self-awareness grows, and the transition from Informed to Confident happens naturally.


The Intentional Introvert has reached the highest level of embodiment. This person not only understands the nuances of being an introvert, they fully embrace it and design their life to amplify what makes them unique and extraordinary. They don't make excuses, they don't pretend, and they don't give in to the expectations of others.

They are the intentional creators of their lives. They prioritize their inner guidance because they know it's the most aligned source of inspiration.

They also have no problems sharing what it means to be introverted with others that show a lack of understanding. But not in a judgy or arrogant manner, but from the perspective of raising the collective knowledge to help remove the stigma and conditioning projected onto so many other introverts.

The Intentional Introvert experiences a level of personal freedom they previously would never have imagined!

Sharing my mission...

When I talk about introversion, I speak a lot to the education piece because so many introverts experience life through an extrovert-attribute lens. However, before embracing their introverted nature, they must understand it first.

But, I also love to speak about the possibilities and opportunities once you find your footing and feel your confidence grow. I love to inspire people to see a new perspective and open the door to a new reality.

When I work with introverts, I spend a lot of time helping them untangle the unconscious beliefs that have guided them for so long. And no surprise, it may take a few sessions to face the reality that what they've always believed (about themselves and what's possible) isn't necessarily true for them. I love to encourage my clients to explore ways to do the things they never thought they could, but in a way that feels aligned and natural for them, not the extrovert way!

Seeing my clients' transformation as they shed the layers of outdated beliefs that keep them locked in a metaphorical cage is amazing.  When they go through this transition, their true nature reveals in a way that gives them a level of confidence, ease, and joy that they'd never experienced before!

I believe it's time for a reset where introverts and extroverts learn how truly valuable introverts are to all levels of society.

I want to see a wave of introverts rising up, claiming their power, and setting the world on fire in their own quiet, confident manner.

So...where do you fall in this paradigm? Are you uninformed or informed? Doubtful or confident? Unintentional or intentional?

There's no right or wrong place to be! But, if you'd like some help shifting from one state to another, that's what I'm here to help you achieve! So, let's chat and explore how I can help you grow your confidence, embrace your introverted nature, and quietly thrive, unapologetically.


8 Signs of an Introvert Hangover


Why My Mission is to Empower Introverts to Quietly Thrive, Unapologetically