Why Introversion is your Superpower

As introverts, accepting our quiet nature and independent spirits can be challenging. But unfortunately, society tends to misunderstand what it means to be an introvert and paints the picture of being an introvert as a lot more gloomy than the reality.

Being an introvert is actually an amazing way to be!

I'm a hardcore introvert, and I LOVE my independent nature and the fact that I thoroughly enjoy my own company. I love my insatiable curiosity and desire to get to know others on a deeper level. And I think it's incredibly cool that my quiet nature tends to make others feel calm.

But, I didn't always feel this way about myself. I used to see it as a disadvantage. Because I didn't understand my unique nature, I didn't prioritize what I needed to feel good about myself (this is all due to the social conditioning that says introversion is bad). 

I used to curse my tendency to go blank and think of nothing to say when talking to someone new. Or, every Friday night, when my coworkers were eager to race out the door to the bar down the street, I pretended to love it just as much as they did (although I enjoyed spending time with them - sometimes - I hated the loud music, and I don't drink!).

I also used to hate the question, "What do you like to do in your spare time?" because everything I enjoy doing felt so boring.

But, once I learned what it means to be an introvert and embraced it, I no longer felt embarrassed to be myself. I no longer tried to hide who I was. I started doing things my way while creating boundaries in my life to honor my energy. 

As a result, life got a lot easier and a LOT more fun! Instead of dulling my light, I allowed it to shine, and it lit up not only my world but those I chose to invite into my world.

Despite our society's obsession with extrovert attributes, the world needs both extroverts AND introverts!

Being an introvert is a gift; when you understand it and embrace it, it becomes your superpower!

Your superpower is your unique blend of natural gifts. Everyone has characteristics or skills where they naturally excel. But, because they come so easily to you, you likely don't recognize them as anything special, much less a "superpower!" But that's what makes it even more special.

Introverts have innate skills because of their quieter, more observant, and intuitive nature.

Some of these gifts include:

  • Excellent listening skills

  • Ability to focus when working on things you love (sometimes for hours at a time)

  • Creativity

  • Keen observation skills

  • Ability to be on your own (to entertain yourself or work solo on projects with little oversight)

These natural gifts for introverts are not skills most extroverts possess. Yet, these highly-prized traits get lost in a world that prioritizes the loudest, most performative, or talkative person in the room.

The art world would suffer without introverts. Imagine if no one could sit and focus only on you when you shared a personal problem. What would happen if anyone didn't notice the small details when building a plane?

Your introversion is a huge part of who you are, and the skills you possess that enhance your quiet nature are the exact ones that become your superpower when you recognize and hone them.

As you explore what makes you unique because of being an introvert, your confidence grows, and you feel more comfortable being yourself. 

All introverts are unique, so what are your superpowers?

If you need help with this, this is my specialty! I love to empower introverts to grow their confidence in who they are as they are. Let's talk if you'd like to work on boosting your confidence! Set up a no-obligation, complimentary call where we'll get to know each other and explore the best options to help you thrive!  


7 Tips to Make Friends as an Introvert


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