Learn what it means to be introverted, be inspired to embrace your gifts, and step into a new level of self-awareness!

Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook

Why Having Boundaries Builds Confidence for Introverts

Having confidence is something that a lot of people struggle with, right?

Confidence is one of those things that's an inside job.

What I mean by that is no one else can make you believe in yourself! Only you can do that!

But, it can feel challenging to feel that deep sense of unshakeable confidence when a lifetime of extrovert-biased conditioning leaves you believing that being an introvert is a disadvantage or something you need to overcome (it's NOT!).

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Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook

How to Communicate & Enforce Boundaries

As I've shared in the first two parts of the Setting Boundaries for Introverts 4-part series, boundaries are essential to life.

Everyone needs boundaries, but many struggle to identify, communicate, and enforce those needed protections.

In part 1, I shared why it's SO essential for introverts to have boundaries, and in part 2 I shared the three types of boundaries every introvert needs (and how to create your own!). Today, I want to take the conversation further and talk about one of the most complex parts of setting boundaries: communicating and enforcing your boundaries.

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Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook

3 Types of Boundaries Every Introvert Needs

Boundaries are one of those essential life skills that I feel we have to learn "on the job." No one teaches us how to speak up for ourselves or even get clear with ourselves on when to speak up for ourselves!

It can feel challenging to confront someone with a request that feels aligned with you but might not be for them.

But, for so many, it's easier to stay quiet and figure out a way to just deal with it, right?

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Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook Introversion 101, Energy Management Vicky Cook

Why Boundaries Important for Introverts

Setting boundaries is an exercise that many find challenging. It's not always easy to stand up for yourself when it feels like you might upset or let down others. But, neglecting to establish guardrails around what's important to you or how you deserve to be treated means you're upsetting and letting yourself down.

You are not less worthy than others, so your needs deserve to be protected!

For introverts, it can feel extra challenging to set boundaries because most shy away from conflict and because conditioning has led you to believe your introvert-based needs are unacceptable or unnecessary.

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Introversion 101 Vicky Cook Introversion 101 Vicky Cook

Why It’s Time to Remove the Fake Extrovert Mask

I talk a lot about how societal conditioning favors the extrovert ideal and puts introverts on the defense for their entire lives (well, until they become wise to what's happening and take matters into their own hands!).

For most introverts, feeling like they are at a disadvantage, that it's easier for extroverts, or that there's only one way to be successful in this world are all manifestations of this conditioning.

And if you believe any of those to be true, guess what you end up doing?

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Application & Tools Vicky Cook Application & Tools Vicky Cook

7 Tips to Make Friends as an Introvert

As a kid, I remember meeting other kids in my neighborhood or school and always finding a few where we hit things off and became fast friends.

As an introvert, I never had a huge circle of friends. I didn't need it or want it because I preferred those few friends that understood me since we shared so much in common.

One benefit of being an introvert is that we connect deeply with people. So while we have a smaller social circle, those within it tend to be those deeper, more meaningful relationships.

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Introversion 101 Vicky Cook Introversion 101 Vicky Cook

Why Introversion is your Superpower

As introverts, accepting our quiet nature and independent spirits can be challenging. But unfortunately, society tends to misunderstand what it means to be an introvert and paints the picture of being an introvert as a lot more gloomy than the reality.

Being an introvert is actually an amazing way to be!

I'm a hardcore introvert, and I LOVE my independent nature and the fact that I thoroughly enjoy my own company. I love my insatiable curiosity and desire to get to know others on a deeper level. And I think it's incredibly cool that my quiet nature tends to make others feel calm.

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Introversion 101 Vicky Cook Introversion 101 Vicky Cook

What it Means to be Confident as an Introvert

Feeling confident as an introvert can feel challenging when you've spent your life bombarded with the message that your very nature isn't in line with what's preferred by our extrovert-biased society.

Because of misguided external conditioning, many introverts spend their lives pretending to be more extroverted because they believe that will get them ahead.

But, spending your energy trying to be something you're not is rooted in a lack of confidence.

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Application & Tools Vicky Cook Application & Tools Vicky Cook

6 Tips for Introverts to Survive Summer BBQs

Ahhh...summer! The time of year when everyone wants to be outside to soak up the sun, slow down, and have some fun!

For introverts, this can be a challenging time because it's also when everyone feels the urge to throw a party, have a BBQ or gather around the campfire. Of course, introverts don't hate all parties, but a summer filled with never-ending social events is enough to send even the most confident introvert into hiding!

But, if you're already feeling exhausted looking at your social obligations for the next few months, let's explore some ways to navigate the social scene while protecting your energy and honoring your desires.

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Introversion 101 Vicky Cook Introversion 101 Vicky Cook

Introversion is not Something You Need to Overcome

Listen up, introverts! Being an introvert isn't bad, and you don't need to strive to be more extroverted.

One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing introverts think they're being extroverted in situations where they feel more confident! This bugs me because it implies introversion is a weakness that needs overcoming. And nothing could be further from the truth!

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Application & Tools Vicky Cook Application & Tools Vicky Cook

5 Surprising Networking Benefits for Introverts

Networking gets a bad rap. Most people see it as something they should do but not something they want to do. And, for most introverts, the discomfort factor is STRONG!! But what if it didn't have to be something you dreaded, and it became something you genuinely enjoyed?

When you learn to approach networking in a way that honors your energy and aligns with your introverted advantages, you benefit in ways that you may not have previously considered.

I'm a hardcore (and proud!) introvert, and I LOVE networking, but this wasn't always the case.

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